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young and strong中文是什么意思

用"young and strong"造句"young and strong"怎么读"young and strong" in a sentence


  • 年轻力壮
  • "young"中文翻译    adj. (younger; youngest ) 1. ...
  • "strong"中文翻译    adj. 1.强壮的,有力的,有膂力的;强健的;巩固的, ...
  • "a very strong young man" 中文翻译 :    棒小伙子
  • "we were young and strong, we were runnin" 中文翻译 :    我们年青力壮,我们
  • "who started out so young and strong" 中文翻译 :    起家以年青力壮
  • "be strong" 中文翻译 :    坚强些
  • "be strong in" 中文翻译 :    长于..
  • "not strong" 中文翻译 :    不强壮
  • "strong" 中文翻译 :    n. 斯特朗〔姓氏〕。 adj. 1.强壮的,有力的,有膂力的;强健的;巩固的,坚牢的,坚固的;坚强的(性格等);强烈的,猛烈的(感情、风等)。 2.富有的,有财力的,资力雄厚的;有势力的;强大的,优势的;(兵员)总数达…的。 3.强硬的,热心的;效力强的;烈性的,厉害的,浓烈的(饮料);刺鼻的。 4.不易消化的(食物等),麸质多的;黏土多的;【农业】土质肥沃的。 5.【商业】坚挺的,上涨的;【语法】强变化的 (opp. weak )。 6.能力强的,擅长的。 a strong case 有力的主张。 a strong man 强壮的人;果断[有魄力]的人。 the strong 强者;健康的人。 the stronger sex 男性。 How many strong are you 你们有多少人? I have a strong hold over it. 我紧紧把握着它。 an army 10000 strong 一万人的一支军队。 a strong situation (文艺作品中)动人的情节。 strong language (咒)骂人的粗话。 strong meat 难消化的肉。 Markets are strong. 行情坚挺。 How strong are you 〔美国〕你有多少钱? be strong against 坚决反对。 be strong in 擅长。 be strong under 在…下坚定不移。 by the strong arm [hand] 用极大的力量,靠力量,用暴力。 have a strong head 酒量大。 many millions strong 千百万。 one's strong point 一个人的特长,优点。 strong for 〔美俚〕坚决赞成。 take a strong root 把根扎牢。 adv. 坚强地,有力地,大大地,猛烈地。 come it strong =go it strong 〔俚语〕大干,盲干,拼命干 ( That is coming it rather strong. 太过分;非分要求)。 go strong 〔口语〕健康;旺盛;吃香;强硬。 put it strong 骂,说得刻薄。 adv. -ly
  • "strong for" 中文翻译 :    极其偏爱
  • "strong will" 中文翻译 :    坚强的意志
  • "the strong" 中文翻译 :    强者必胜
  • "the young" 中文翻译 :    年轻人; 青年们
  • "will young" 中文翻译 :    威尔杨
  • "with young" 中文翻译 :    (指动物)怀胎的; 怀胎 with p. 有
  • "young" 中文翻译 :    n. 杨格〔姓氏〕。 adj. (younger; youngest ) 1.年轻的,幼小的,幼嫩的(opp. old)。 2.少年气盛的,生气勃勃的,精力充沛的。 3.没有经验的,未成熟的 (in; at)。 4.(时日、季节的)早;新兴的,初期的,摇篮期的。 5.(区别同名的人以及父子兄弟时)年纪小的。 6.青春时代的,青年(特有)的。 7.进步派的;青年党的。 8.【地质学;地理学】幼年的,受侵蚀尚少的。 a young child 年幼的孩子。 a young plant 幼苗。 a young family 家属中年纪小的几个。 Look here, young man! 喂,小伙子! a young lady 年轻女人[女孩];〔俚语〕情人。 his young woman 他的情妇。 her young man 她的情人。 young people 青年(男女),年轻人;(特指已到结婚年龄的)小伙子。 young things 年轻人们。 you young rascal 喂,小家伙。 a young dreadful boy 淘气的小孩子。 a young hopeful 大有希望的孩子。 I was but young at the work. 我对那工作真是没经验。 the Y- Pitt = Pitt the Younger 小皮特〔皮特的儿子〕。 a younger brother [sister] 弟弟[妹妹]。 the youngest son 最小的儿子。 The night is yet young. 夜还不深[夜未央]。 a young country 新兴国家。 be young for his age 显得年轻。 in one's young days 年轻的时候。 young and old 无论老少。 young volume 〔美俚〕小册子,学生写的长篇论文。 n. 〔集合词)(动物的)仔。 be with young (动物)怀着孕,在怀胎。
  • "strong national colour strong" 中文翻译 :    浓厚的民族色彩
  • "old and young; the aged and the young" 中文翻译 :    黄发垂髫
  • "the young prince and the young princess" 中文翻译 :    王子和公主的故事
  • "young billy young" 中文翻译 :    双枪侠
  • "young yang and young yin" 中文翻译 :    稚阳稚阴
  • "a strong body" 中文翻译 :    强健的体魄
  • "a strong candidate" 中文翻译 :    强有力的候选人
  • "a strong card" 中文翻译 :    有势力的人
  • "a strong character" 中文翻译 :    坚强的性格


  • I am sure he would since he is young and strong .
  • He smiled at phyl, who thought he looked young and strong and handsome, even if he was a bit heavily built .
  • We re gonna rock this place , take the country by storm i wanna be elected you and me together , young and strong
  • " i am young and strong ; i believe i am courageous , and since yesterday i have learned the power of will
  • “ what ? ” barked the father , “ your mother is not as young and strong as she used to be . why aren ' t you helping her
    “什么? ”父亲吼道。 “你妈已经不如从前那么强壮了。你这时怎么不在帮她? ”
  • " of what , think you , do young and strong men die in prison , when they have scarcely numbered their thirtieth year , unless it be of imprisonment ?
    “一个三十岁的人死在牢里,不是被折磨死的,还能怎么死呢? ”
  • The company possesses a group of high - quality , young and strong engineering technicians and executives and has accumulated abundant experiences in the development of decelerator
  • Who strives not when he should strive , who , though young and strong , is given to idleness , who is loose in his purpose and thoughts , and who is lazy - that idler never finds the way to wisdom
  • We have a young and strong technical team , which offers good services to users , and react quickly to users ' needs . this enables myself to have the powerful vitality and competitiveability in the intense competition on the net
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